Repeat Prescriptions


Since June 2020, the majority of Prescriptions are issued electronically directly to the Community Pharmacy nominated by you. This system is known as Electronic Prescription Service (EPS).


There are now various ways that you can request your repeat medication:

  • in person by coming to the surgery.
  • contacting your nominated community pharmacy.
  • by email to
  • using your NHS APP.
  • using your online access: systmonline.

For more information about these, please speak with our team.

If you wish to request a repeat medication, please tick the relevant items on the printout and return it to reception, either by hand or post. There is a prescription post box outside of the main building entrance that you can put your requests in.

If you would like us to post it back to you, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

If you do not have the printout, write your request clearly in block capitals. Include your name, date of birth, address, telephone number and the name if the item you are requesting. Please either post it, put it through our prescription box or hand it in at reception. Please destroy all old repeat forms and use only the current one.

Allow THREE CLEAR WORKING DAYS for your request to be processed, SEVEN if requesting by post.

If you require additional items, which are not included on your printout, your prescription may be subject to delay.

Our clinical team needs to review your treatment periodically and you will be asked to book a medication review when this is necessary. Delays in booking this review may cause delays in your treatment.

To order a prescription online please click here

NHS Prescription Charges

The NHS currently offers prescription prepayment certificates (PPC's) which can help with the cost of prescriptions.

Current prescription charge – £9.90 per item 

3 month PPC – £32.05; this will save you money if you need more than three prescribed items in three months

12 month PPC – £114.50; this will save you money if you need more than 12 prescribed items in a year

HRT PPC - £19.80; for hormone replacement therapy 

PPCs are available by 10 monthly direct debit instalment payments. The certificates allow anyone to obtain all the prescriptions they need for £2 a week.

If you need to access the services below, the medicines you are prescribed which using their service are free:

  • Medicines administered at a hospital or an NHS walk-in centre
  • Prescribed contraceptives
  • Medicines personally administered by a GP
  • Medicines supplied at a hospital or clinical commissioning group (CCG) clinic for the treatment of a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis, or a mental disorder for those subject to a supervised community treatment order.

For more information on Free Prescription Entitlement and Medical Exemptions please or any other question you have regarding medication, please speak to our team. click here